You can directly use complete E-commerce app to manage your E-commerce withreadymade functionality of Add to cart,Quickview, and Checkout. Apart from that if you want it to use it in your frontend application then you just need to change your json with your API data and you get complete workable E-commerce for your frontend.
Another application provided with in this theme is chat application. Here we have provided design to create your own chat application. We have kept in mind all basic necessities of the chat application and have created design according to it. You can integrate this design with your backend and make this application fully functional.
There will be many situations where you want to use the images, and to present the images in more elegant manner, we have created a gallery application. You can use it to display images or use the effects used in the gallery application and implement in those places where you are using the images.
As an admin there are many tasks one have to keep in mind. To keep track of all those tasks, a to-do application has been provided. All the functionalities that a to-do application requires has been already given so the user doesn't have to download and install any other application.
To keep things professional you can add integrate the email application with this theme, to share the important information with your colleagues. We have provided a design for the email application, you can use it and build a fully functional e-mail application.
There will are numerous pages in this theme, and it might be a bit difficult to navigate arround. To solve this we have added bookmark app, where you can bookmark the pages you visit the most within the theme, and quickly access them.
You can ADD New Task to Assigned to me and remove Completed Task
You Can ADD New Bookmark and then add to your Favioute bookmark or remove from Favioute bookmark
You Can Create New Project and then list of project to manage doing and done project
To keep things professional you can add integrate the email application with this theme, to share the important information with your colleagues. We have provided a design for the email application, you can use it and build a fully functional e-mail application.
Installing and usage
npm i react-big-calendar
import { Calendar, momentLocalizer } from 'react-big-calendar'
import moment from 'moment'
const localizer = momentLocalizer(moment)
const MyCalendar = props => (
style={{height: 500}}
There are many others application in viho which is help you in improve your knowledge and solve your issues.